Pot Clematis liners into 4" to 8" containers. Plant them at a depth where 1 or 2 sets of nodes are below the soil surface. use a well-drained soil mix consisting of 2 or more of the following components. Peat Moss, Perlite, Field Soil, Vermiculite, and Pine Bark. Water in with a general-purpose water-soluble fertilizer at a rate of 150 ppm. Drench with a thiophanate methyl fungicide(Fungo or Clearys 3336) within 10 days of potting. Apply enough of the solution to saturate the media. The Fungo or Clearys 3336 Drench should be applied at 30-day intervals thereafter.
Prune Clematis as needed to maintain vigorous growth. Vigorous growth will make the plants more resistant to disease and will also force the root system to grow faster and fill out the container. Leave 2 sets of nodes from the crown on the first pinch. Later pinches leave 2 sets of nodes from the previous pinch. Pruning will increase the branching of the Clematis and will also develop a strong root system. Stop pruning 6 to 8 weeks before the targeted sales date to produce a blooming Clematis.
Clematis are heavy feeders when they are growing fast. Fertilize with a general-purpose fertilizer at a rate of 150 to 200 ppm nitrogen once per week. maintain the soil pH from 5.8 to 6.5. Let the soil get on the dry side before watering, but not dry to the point of wilting.
It is important for Clematis to go through a dormant period. A cool treatment for a minimum of 6 weeks will provide this needed dormant period. Plants should be cut back to 8 to 12 inches and all leaves should be removed during the first two weeks of the dormancy to maintain a clean area, free of plant debris. Fertilizer needs to be cut out 2 or 3 weeks prior to the dormant period to reduce the salt levels in the media. A drench of Fungo or Clearys 3336 should be applied after the plants are defoliated.