Pruning Techniques
Pruning Techniques
- This group of clematis produce their flowers directly from old stems and, therefore, pruning must not be done until right after all flowering has been completed. Prune this group by removing all dead and weak stems immediately after flowering. Large established plants over 15 feet are normally not pruned, especially if they are growing in trees. All stems at this time should be tied into position on their trellis or other host. Also, if the Clematis has outgrown their space the correct and only time to prune to size is right after flowering is done. After pruning new growth will begin, this being the stems for next year’s flowers.
- In this group all first flowering comes from last season’s ripened stems. In early Spring watch for swelling leaf buds beginning to show. Cut all dead material off above these swelling buds. Be sure all growth is tied to trellis at this time. Do not tie too tightly, so growth can begin and not hampered by tying too tight or cracking these stems.
- This group blooms later and from new growth. This group should be pruned in February or March to 6”-8” as new leaf buds begin to show low on the plant. All dead material above these buds should be removed at this time. Clean out any old foliage or foliage with mildew at this time also.